Something that I like about oakland is that its a cool place to live at. Especially if you lived there all your life. I guess that i like oakland because i was raised in oakland for 13 years.I used to live in the 90'z but i moved because my parents said that it was a dangerous place to live at and there was to much violence. There was a lot of gangs were we lived at and my parents were scared that my brother might join them and follow bad steps. I knew everybody from were i lived at and i understand that the gang members get into gang because they need love and someone to care for, they do this to because there parents don't support them and they know there friends from the gangs are going to be there for them whenever they need they, but in most casesgang members get killed. And if you make a mistake you learn from it and know not to make the same mistake again.
I agree with yew gangs ain't no good even though you do feel loved and feel that people care and would take care of you if something bad happens to you. I wonder if they ever thought they could just have friends and feel the same way about it? well maybe not...
It's good that your parents are trying to look out for you guys by moving but I'm glad that you're still going to school in Oakland. You were like the first person I talked to on the first day of school...
Ive lived in Oakland all my life, right on 54th and East 14 and everyone knows thats SSL turf. All my life I've been surrounded by the gang lifestyle. I've cousins on both sides. Can you believe it? Blood cousins hating eachother over some nonsense. I've had family member die because of gang violence, friends.I've alwasy thought it was stupid. Its actually the reason why i stopped talking to my exboyfriend. I hated that we couldnt go were ever we wanted, that he always had to be watching his back, and mine. I didnt want to have nothing to do with that so I cut him off. Its not were you live that determines your life style, its just you and what you want for yourself.
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